Hey there! Thank you for your interest in being a greater apart of our community.
One thing that people who use our products know, is that you will often get asked "what's that?!" when working with your espresso.
That's because people can quickly see how useful a product like this is, for being more efficient when working more on-the-go.
This program works by allowing our community to earn whilst sharing how they use their espresso Display.
Please note, we get a very high number of requests of people looking for a free device in exchange for promotion.
We only allocate a very small, if at all, number of devices for a program like that.
So, if you think you have a good opportunity to promote, or you already have an espresso Display and are looking to be able to earn, fill in this form.
We also try to actively help our community, by identifying the opportunities that have great likelihood of success.
Best Referral Opportunties
As of May 2024
1. Tiktok
At espresso, we are currently not very focused on tiktok, whilst our reach and search for our brand has been quite substantial.
People search for product reviews on Tiktok before they do a deep dive on YouTube, so this is a great opportunity.
Promoting videos on their with your referral code would work well as you would come up when people search for us.
Currently 10,000 people a month search for espresso display on TikTok.

2. Pinterest
Similarly to Tiktok, we currently are not so focused on Pinterest, whilst a lot of our audience is there looking for inspiration on the topics:
Workspace setup - a focus on minimalism works well for our product and style
Portable office
Travel monitor
Our brand terms still get 2,460 searches a month, which means even utilising our brand name can help get organic reach and therefore referrals.
espresso Display

Desk Setup

Portable Monitor

3. YouTube Shorts
Regular YouTube videos can be quite difficult as we have a number of tech reviewers feature our products. But YouTube Shorts would be the next place for opportunity if you're looking to promote our products.
Travel Monitor - 539,000 searches per month

espresso Display - 53,490 searches per month